Thursday, July 16, 2009

Now That's Just LOVELYISH!

I'm currently on (I have the same blog on there, too!) and ran across an article that was right on point. No, it isn't about hair. Just read it and then read the rest of this entry.

I feel like the girl who wrote this article is so on point! I've been told that so much growing up! "You act so white!" and "Girl you aint black" and blah blah blah! I'm even told that by a couple of white people! They say it like it's a bad thing. It's just like when someone calls something 'gay'. That is offensive. It's kinda racist.
This article made me think. Is the world on a downward spiral? Years ago, black AND white people fought for our freedom and right to vote and right to a proper education. And yet now when we see people who wear their clothes the right size (not falling off of them or so tight you might as well just walk around butt-booty-hole-naked), who don't talk 'ghetto', who can read and spell properly, who care about their education and future, we call these people (no matter their color) 'white', like it's a bad thing. But people are so quick to get upset when they are called or accused of being racist. What's up with that?
If you think about it, it is a slightly racist comment. And if it's not, then it's just saying that black people don't care about their education or future, and don't carry themselves properly. A lot of black people that I know would get really mad if I accused them of saying that too. But if you aren't being racist, and if you aren't downing yourself by calling someone 'white', then what ARE you saying? People (African Americans in particular) look down on African Americans who carry themselves properly, yet when Barrack Obama was elected president, black people were so quick to claim him and be like, 'Yea, that's a BLACK man they elected president!' Obama talks properly. Obama wears his clothes in the right proportions for his body. Obama is an educated black man. The same goes for Michelle Obama. I'm sure it's probably been said elsewhere, but I haven't heard anyone refer to Obama as 'white.' I mean, come on people! What is the deal here??? Why are people so hypocritical nowadays???

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