Monday, May 4, 2009

New Style

I'm trying to learn how to take care of my own hair/do hair. So I tried to roller-set my own hair. Now let me tell you- my mom's hair-doing genes kinda skipped me. So, yea, it didn't come out right... But somehow whenever certain things I try with my hair don't come out right, they still do! Lol let me explain...
So anyway, after I washed and conditioned and everything, I used my wrapping foam-slash-setting lotion for my hair. It took forever (I wouldn't say exactly FOREVER b/c I'm kinda lazy...) and my hair started to dry as I finished. I had a little spray bottle of water beside me, though, so don't worry. for a lot of peices of my hair, I just put a little wrapping foam directly on the hair I was about to roll and combed it in. After I finally got all of my hair rolled up to the best of my abilities and sat under the dryer already semi dry kind of... When I got out and took the rollers out, it did NOT look right. So i got kinda mad and started to ruffle out the curls... and voila! It was so cute! I've been wearing my hair in this wild curly- looking look for a week now... But I'm not gonna get to used to this... Im trying to cut out my heat usage.
I'm gonna go now. If anyone knows how to do cute buns for hair somewhere between short-medium hair, or know any other styles, help a sister out, please! I'm really interested in learning the southern girl tease bun.

Lady Rae

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