Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Comme ci comme ce...(so so...)

Wow, I've almost been NaPpTuRaL for a whole month! I think my hair has grown a little bit. It was a teeny tiny bit shorter when I cut it and after Momma shaped it up for me. Some of the shallower spots don't feel as shallow anymore. I could twist some of my hair if I wanted, but for some odd reason, I just want to wait until it gets longer.

My mom said if I let it grow back out, I am going to go through stages. I'm already trying to prepare for this, b/c I'm already starting to see the beginnings of a stage. I used to watch my little brother go through these awkward stages when he thought he wanted to grow his hair out and get braids.

And now it's time to post some more natural hair pictures for inspiration. Just b/c I'm fully natural now doesn't mean I no longer need motivation... I'm gonna need it badly now since I'm growing out...

Amanda Diva

Other Beautiful Women

(my hair is a little shorter than this right now)

Here comes my absolute most fave natural pic I've ever seen. I aspire to have hair just like this!!!!

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